Groundbreaking Held for ‘Jonathan’s Dream Reimagined’ Playground

Groundbreaking Held for ‘Jonathan’s Dream Reimagined’ Playground

A groundbreaking ceremony was held April 9 at the location of Jonathan’s Dream Reimagined, a revolutionary and completely inclusive playground that will be built on the site of the original Jonathan’s Dream at the Mandell JCC in West Hartford. The original Jonathan’s Dream opened in 1966, the legacy Amy and Peter Barzach created to honor their son, Jonathan, who was born in 1994 with the degenerative neuromuscular disorder Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and sadly died before his first birthday. The playground will be a place where children of all abilities can play together and just be children.

And just like the original Jonathan’s Dream, the new playground will be built by a “village” of countless volunteers who have raised funds, made plans, donated time, services, and materials, and are bringing back a playground that has held a special place in the hearts of so many people. PAC Group, LLC plans to provide all construction management services for the playground for free.


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